Washington State Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf


  • 09 Jun 2023 8:38 AM | Stephanie Mathis President (Administrator)

    Committee Reports

    The board has reviewed our committees and focused committee work to meet our goals and needs. Current Committees are as follows: Budget/Finance, CMP, Communications, Conference 2025, Community Outreach, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Governance, Membership, Professional Development, Scholarship.

    All of our committee work needs some level of member involvement. Whether you have a few hours for a one-time project, or a few hours a month for something bigger; Whether you like working with others or getting things done on your own time; Whether you’re visionary or detail driven; Whether you love working with numbers or people… Whatever your interests or inclinations - we have a place for you to plug in! Curious? Please reach out! 

    Below are a few current announcements. More info from all committees will be coming in the next month or so. Recent committee reports.

    Community Outreach Committee

    Interpreter Social, June 28th, 6-9 pm at Optimism Brewery, Seattle. 

    Spring Scholarship

    Thank you to all who applied for the Spring Performance Exam Scholarship. We have contacted applicants and are excited for the opportunity to support our colleagues on their journey to certification.

    We will begin accepting applications for the Fall Scholarship in August. Please visit the WSRID Scholarship page for more information.

    Certification Maintenance Program Sponsorship

    WSRID was recently approved as an RID CMP Sponsor. Big thank you to Ashley Cavallaro who will be functioning as our administrator. We are working on developing our systems and plans, and will be ready to share more information with our members soon. If you’re interested in being involved with this work, please email Ashley Cavallaro, CMP Administrator.

    Governance Committee

    Seeking members interested in discussing Sociocracy as a governance model for WSRID - as recommended in Ritchie Bryant’s 2020 DEI Recommendations Report. Looking to find at least one long time member and at least one member familiar with Sociocracy. If interested, please email WSRID Secretary, Claudia Kienholz.

  • 09 Jun 2023 8:24 AM | Stephanie Mathis President (Administrator)

    Greetings WSRID members,

    The following info is from our recent June 2023 E-Blast which should have landed in your inbox on 6/8/2023.

    2023 Board Meeting Minutes

    The Board has gathered four times this year. Linked here are notes and meeting minutes from these sessions:

    Board Goals

    • Redesign WSRID’s infrastructure documents to be clear, relevant, easy to follow, and reflective of the needs of our current and potential members.
    • Improve communication and transparency to members and community stakeholders regarding WSRID’s essential functions and happenings, as well as the board’s focus on a DEI action plan.
    • Prioritize partnerships and collaborations with organizations and individuals within our communities.
    • Invest in programs and projects that help enhance the value of WSRID membership.

    Financial Report Summary

    The document linked below includes our FY24 Budget, our FY23 Budgeted and Actual financials through March (and projected through the end of our fiscal year - June 30) and brief notes for each line item. Quarterly Profit & Loss Statements are also available by request. Overall - our finances are in good shape. Our income and expenses were both reduced. We had budgeted for multiple workshops, but these were not possible without an active PDC committee.

  • 04 May 2022 9:54 AM | Stephanie Mathis President (Administrator)

    To all of the fabulous interpreters in our community,

    Happy Interpreter Appreciation Day!  We are thankful for your dedication to your work and the communities you serve.

    Have a wonderful day,

    WSRID Board <3 

  • 09 Nov 2021 12:33 PM | Anna Mansell Karagiannis (Administrator)

    Hello WSRID Members! 

    I am conducting a research project about Legal Interpreting as part of my senior year at UNH-Manchester, New Hampshire. 

    Whether you love or hate legal work, please take a little time ASAP to fill out the survey (link below). By doing so you will help Deaf and Hard of Hearing citizens get access to justice (by deepening understanding of resistance to the specialty and contributing to making legal training more approachable). 

    Thanks in advance! 

    ~ Polly Lorien 

    p.s. The survey will expire Nov. 22


    Legal Interpreting Survey

    Polly Lorien's senior Research Project: Collecting data on in-court legal interpreting.


  • 30 Jul 2021 12:54 PM | Elizabeth Bass Webmaster (Administrator)

    Annual Meeting

    WSRID’s 2021 Annual Meeting will be held online Saturday, October 23, 2021, 10:00am–12:00pm.

    As announced in February, based on feedback from members and a discussion with WSAD, we will not be hosting a conference this year but we are planning to host a joint conference with WSAD in 2023. We are still eager to connect with you during our online Annual Meeting on Saturday, October 23rd this year! 

    For WSRID to be effective, the board and members must work together. The responsibility of the board is to coordinate the activities of WSRID to ensure that what we do supports our purpose and mission, while fulfilling legal and contractual obligations. The responsibility of members is to be engaged with the profession, with the communities we serve, and with your professional organization in ways that are meaningful.

    The Nominations/Elections/Referenda Committee is asking you to stop and think. Look back. Look ahead. Look around. Ask yourself four questions: 

    • Who would you like to encourage to join the Board of WSRID? Board members are responsible for oversight and working with members to strengthen WSRID, the profession of interpreting, and the varied Deaf and DeafBlind communities in Washington State and around the country.
      • CLICK HERE for more information about open board positions, requirements, and how to submit a nomination for the board.
    • Who do you think deserves recognition for their contributions, character, and commitment to WSRID and the interpreting profession?
      • CLICK HERE for more information about awards, requirements, and how to nominate an awardee.
    • What can WSRID do to better serve the interpreting profession, Deaf and DeafBlind communities, and WSRID itself as an organization? 
      • CLICK HERE for more information on requirements and how to make a motion.
    • Do you have a few hours per month to check nominations for eligibility, review motions, support the election process? Work with us to strengthen democracy, representation, and engagement in WSRID!

    All nominations and motions for this year must be submitted by Monday, September 6, 2021 to the Nominations Committee.

    We’re eager to work with you ~ Together we can thrive!

    Board Nominations

    This year, elections will be held electronically. 

    There will be seven WSRID positions open for the upcoming 2 year term (January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2023). Positions, roles and responsibilities are listed below. 

    To nominate a colleague for a position on the Board, please email the name to the Nominations Committee by Monday, September 6, 2021

    Open Positions:

    • Vice President (2 years) 
    • Treasurer (2 years)
    • Three director positions (2 years)
    • Deaf/DeafBlind Community Representative (2 years)
    • Student Director (1 year)

    The Vice President must be a Certified member of WSRID in good standing for at least the past two consecutive years. The Student Director requirements are listed below.  All other candidates must be voting members of WSRID (Certified or Associate) in good standing for at least the past two consecutive years. 

    Board Roles & Responsibilities: 

    All Directors:

    WSRID Board Directors: [2-year term]

    • Assume the legal and ethical responsibility for the actions and activities of the organization.
    • Set the goals for the organization and the Board.
    • Review and approve policies, operations, programs and committee work.
    • Approve the budget and monitor finances.
    • Maintain good community and public relations
    • Serve as liaisons to WSRID committee(s) - maintaining contact with committee
    • coordinators, reporting to the board on committee issues, and forwarding committee meeting minutes to the Board Secretary.
    • Prepare for, attend and participate in Board meetings.
    • Share duties/roles of facilitating board meetings with other Board members.


    WSRID Vice President: [2-year term]

    • Assumes all responsibilities and duties of a Board Director
    • In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice-President shall perform all duties of the President and have all the powers of the President. 
    • The Vice-President may have other powers and duties set by the Board.

    WSRID Treasurer: [2-year term]

    • Assumes all responsibilities and duties of a Board Director.
    • Supervises the receipt and safekeeping of all funds of the corporation and deposits that may be designated by the Board. 
    • Prepares and monitors the Annual Budget (July - June). 
    • Provides financial reports to the Board monthly, quarterly and annually.

    WSRID Deaf/DB Community Representative: [2-year term]

    • Assumes all responsibilities and duties of a Board Director
    • Represents the needs of diverse Deaf and DeafBlind communities.
    • Consultant to the board to ensure WSRID operations and policy decisions are inclusive of the values of diverse Deaf and DeafBlind communities. 
    • At the discretion of the President, the Deaf or DeafBlind Community Representative may act as a liaison between WSRID and Deaf and DeafBlind organizations.

    WSRID Student Director: [1-year term]

    • Assumes all responsibilities and duties of a Board Director
    • Serves as liaison to Interpreter Training Program Students, maintaining contact and sending out annual (spring) solicitation announcements and requests for instructor recommendations for following year’s student director position.

    Qualifications for Student Director:

    • Must have been a member of WSRID for at least 60 days.
    • Must have a recommendation from an ITP instructor.
    • Must be in the final year of interpreter training
    • Must be able to participate in board meetings using sign language.


    The Judie Husted Member of the Year Award is presented to a WSRID member who reflects the character traits and commitment to our organization as displayed by the award's namesake. Those traits include dedication, mentoring, service, and involvement to better our organization and support colleagues.

    The Theresa B. Smith Distinguished Service Award is an award WSRID gives to express its deep appreciation for dedication, inspiration, and vision, as well as many other contributions to the organization and the profession. Named after Theresa B. Smith, CSC, PhD has served WSRID as an active member since WSRID’s founding in 1968, serving as board member, mentor, and conscience of the organization. 

    Please submit name and reasons why you support this person receiving this award to the Nominations Committee.

    Learn more about these awards and past recipients


    Do you have a proposal, or an idea for a proposal, for how WSRID can improve? 

    We want to know! All motions brought to membership for vote will need: 

    • Motion - what you are asking for WSRID to do; brief, but with as much detail as possible.
    • Rationale - why is this important? How does it support WSRID mission and purpose?
    • Impact - what will happen if this motion is passed? What changes? Will there be any financial impact - expenses to be paid or income generated?

    The Nominations/Elections/Referenda Committee can help you prepare and format your motion if needed. Please send motions, questions, ideas to the Nominations Committee.

    Nominations/Elections/Referenda Committee

    The N/E/R Committee is responsible for doing the work that involves members in the democratic process to ensure that WSRID represents and serves the best interests of our members, our communities, and our profession. 

    What does that mean? Between now and the end of 2021, the committee will:

    • Seek nominations from members and serve as resource for information
    • Review nominees’ qualifications for board positions, request candidate statements, and communicate with candidates before the election
    • Review referenda proposals, along with Bylaws Committee, and coordinate with members making proposal to prepare for Annual Meeting
    • Oversee the election and voting processes
    • Communicate committee’s needs and activities with board liaison 
    • Prepare report to submit to the Board after Annual Meeting

    Do you want to see WSRID thrive for years to come? Are you able to commit a few hours per month (give or take) during the next 6 months? Do you miss the opportunity to work with colleagues, doing something that will have a lasting impact? Do you have questions? Email Nominations Committee.

  • 30 Jul 2021 12:43 PM | Elizabeth Bass Webmaster (Administrator)


    Hello WSRID Members,

    I am WSRID Board member Claudia Kienholz (CK). In June, the RID board members announced their resignations one after the other. We, your WSRID board members were rocked by this. It’s taken us some time to over the past month to gather our thoughts and prepare our message to you all about this situation and our ongoing commitment to our work. We have prepared two letters, both of which can be found online at WSRID.com. 

    The first letter below is an open letter to the board of RID, and the second is a letter to you, our WSRID and community members. The letters are available to read or to watch in ASL. The videos aren’t short, but we felt it important to convey our message fully and clearly. You’ll notice a round robin between some of the board members. We tried to keep it brief, but that felt superficial and audist. So instead, we give you our heart. 

    We hope you’ll read and/or watch if you have the time. We also hope that you will work with us and join us in reaffirming our commitments to the future of WSRID.


    July 15, 2021

    To the current RID Board, we send our heartfelt gratitude, our sincerest apologies, and our commitment to do better. 

    We know that serving in these roles is not easy. We know that doing this work requires sacrifice, courage, and perseverance. So first, let us say thank you. Thank you for your willingness to take on such hard work. Thank you for representing the people in our profession and in our communities, many of whom have been marginalized by society and our field for far too long. Thank you for leading fearlessly and showing us what we are all capable of. Thank you for donating countless hours, often giving up paid assignments or time with your loved ones, to do this work. Thank you for being vulnerable, for having hard conversations, and for being willing to unpack bias and call out oppression.

    To those of you who have endured personal attacks, bullying and harassment, and who have been the targets of ugly racist agendas, we recognize that as a member driven organization, we have failed you. We did not do enough to support you in your time on the board, and we did not do enough to interrupt these attacks when they began. Although we know this comes too late, we want you to know that we have always been rooting for you. You gave us hope and you inspired us in our work as affiliate chapter members. 

    We commend you for the work you have done, and although we are devastated to see you go, we support your decision to resign. We hope that you will be able to prioritize your health and safety moving forward.

    Our affiliate chapter will continue our anti-racism, anti-audism, and anti-ableism work, and it is our sincere hope that all of the members of RID will work harder to embrace diversity and recognize the talents and positive transformations that come with it. WSRID will continue pushing to raise the bar and to hold ourselves accountable. We are on a path of change and although we may continue to slip or falter, we won’t stop.

    Washington State RID Board of Directors
    Anna Mansell Karagiannis
    Kristin Deverin
    Paula Bazinet
    Elizabeth Bass
    Mark Hoshi
    Claudia Kienholz
    Gabby Hopkinson
    Caroline Allen
    Rhesa Durgin
    Michelle Miles


    WSRID Members:

    As you are all by now aware, last month marked the resignation of the entire RID Board of Directors. One by one, these announcements came after months of personal attacks, racist comments, public harassment, bullying, and more. August 31st will mark the end of their terms.

    Although we know this sentiment may be too late, we wish to express our deep gratitude to the individuals willing to volunteer their time and energy to take on the work of representing us at the national level, and while it pains us to see them go, we fully support their decisions to resign. 

    This group brought with them diverse backgrounds, talents, and experiences. They gave us hope for our profession. They inspired us in our work as affiliate chapter leaders, yet as an organization of 14,000 people, we collectively failed to support them in their roles as volunteer leaders of our parent organization. To say we weren’t paying attention is merely a reflection of our own privileges. To those who stood up, who called out what was happening, we thank you, and to those who didn’t, we hope this serves as a wake up call. Sadly, it comes at a great cost.

    As a profession, as individuals, and as an organization, we have so much work to do. We will not be beholden to a racist, audist, ableist past. We do not and will not tolerate the perpetual -isms that infect our field and our society, and we will hold each other accountable when we fail. WE are all called to action to ensure that our profession and our communities thrive in a more just world. This call to action is not new, and it is not just necessary today. It is necessary everyday.

    Last spring, the Board members of WSRID made a commitment to you. Today, we ask you to join us in reaffirming our commitments to all current and future members of WSRID and to the diverse communities we serve as sign language interpreters. WSRID will continue to prioritize anti-racism, anti-audism, and anti-ableism goals through our actions as individuals and in the functions of this organization. We ask each of you to consider how you can help impact change, and how we can work together to ensure that this profession is not beholden to its history of oppressive behaviors.

    Our April 2020 Pledge:

    We are committed to action that will promote and ensure equity of all diverse people, and we know this is not possible until we can ensure racism has no presence in our organization. We strive to work in partnership with organizations and individuals who share these same priorities, and we welcome the participation of all members in this process.

    Our 2021 Pledge:

    We commit to being agents of change, to hold ourselves accountable for our failures and shortsightedness, and to constantly work to create a world without white supremacy, racism, audism, and other systems of oppression. We strive to work in partnership with organizations and individuals who share these same priorities. We ask for the participation of our members in this work.

    Below are a few of the ways we have begun our work. We don’t pretend to be perfect, but we know this work has to start somewhere.

    If you would like to learn more about our efforts, have feedback, or want to get involved, please email any one of us through the Board Contact Us page.

    In 2020, the board members of WSRID committed to the following actions:

    • Hire a consultant to audit our organization’s structure, operations and with the goal of identifying opportunities for WSRID to improve and ensure we are functioning as an anti-racist organization, and to bring these recommendations to the membership in the form of policy change and or bylaw referendum. 
      • Hired Ritchie Bryant to assess WSRID and make recommendations for improvements
      • Reported to members in February 2021
      • Established the DEI Audit Committee, along with several board-led work groups based on Ritchie’s report. (2021)
      • Will be taking actions on recommendations throughout 2021 and beyond
    • Provide training/workshops for interpreters and community members in our state focused on dismantling white supremacy in the field of interpreting. 
      • WSRID Board leadership training with Ritchie Bryant 2020
      • Understanding the Uniqueness of Black ASL, with Ritchie Bryant (April, 2021)
      • Social and Racial Justice Series with Dr. Lissa D. Ramirez-Stapleton (May & June 2021)
      • Cultural Diversity: Discussed through the Lens of Black Females (Sept 2021)
    • Implement policies to ensure ongoing assessments and training for Board members and committee coordinators, including but not limited to mandatory Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training. 
      • Adopted proposals related to the number of DEI focused workshops WSRID will host each year (2021).
      • Made changes to existing scholarship offers with an emphasis on equitable criteria and to cover the full cost of exams (2021).
      • Approved annual budget to include DEI and leadership training for incoming Board and Committee members (2021).
      • Will review all governing documents in detail Fall 2021-Spring 2022

    We ask for your involvement, input, criticism, and support as we continue in this work.  

    Anna Mansell Karagiannis, WSRID President
    And your 2021 WSRID Board of Directors

  • 15 Jul 2021 7:29 AM | Elizabeth Bass Webmaster (Administrator)

    An Open Letter
    July 6, 2021

    (View this message in ASL)

    To the current RID Board, we send our heartfelt gratitude, our sincerest apologies, and our commitment to do better. 

    We know that serving in these roles is not easy. We know that doing this work requires sacrifice, courage, and perseverance. So first, let us say thank you. Thank you for your willingness to take on such hard work. Thank you for representing the people in our profession and in our communities, many of whom have been marginalized by society and our field for far too long. Thank you for leading fearlessly and showing us what we are all capable of. Thank you for donating countless hours, often giving up paid assignments or time with your loved ones, to do this work. Thank you for being vulnerable, for having hard conversations, and for being willing to unpack bias and call out oppression.

    To those of you who have endured personal attacks, bullying and harassment, and who have been the targets of ugly racist agendas, we recognize that as a member driven organization, we have failed you. We did not do enough to support you in your time on the board, and we did not do enough to interrupt these attacks when they began. Although we know this comes too late, we want you to know that we have always been rooting for you. You gave us hope and you inspired us in our work as affiliate chapter members. 

    We commend you for the work you have done, and although we are devastated to see you go, we support your decision to resign. We hope that you will be able to prioritize your health and safety moving forward.

    Our affiliate chapter will continue our anti-racism, anti-audism, and anti-ableism work, and it is our sincere hope that all of the members of RID will work harder to embrace diversity and recognize the talents and positive transformations that come with it. WSRID will continue pushing to raise the bar and to hold ourselves accountable. We are on a path of change and although we may continue to slip or falter, we won’t stop.

    Washington State RID Board of Directors
    Anna Mansell Karagiannis
    Kristin Deverin
    Paula Bazinet
    Elizabeth Bass
    Mark Hoshi
    Claudia Kienholz
    Gabby Hopkinson
    Caroline Allen
    Rhesa Durgin
    Michelle Miles

  • 17 May 2021 7:48 AM | Elizabeth Bass Webmaster (Administrator)

    May 2021

    WSRID E–Blast

    Anna Mansell Karagiannis, WSRID President, a white woman with dark hair pulled up into a bun, wearing a blue shirt and black coat signs to the camera.

    Hello WSRID,

    Welcome to this month’s E–Blast. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to get an email out last month, but we have been busy planning and hosting several workshops, starting up monthly social meetings via zoom, planning the budget for next year, developing a new scholarship program for WSRID members, and more!

    It’s been a busy couple of months, so let’s get caught up!

    Anna Mansell Karagiannis
    WSRID President 2021-2022

    Email Anna

    From the Board

    Scholarship News

    April’s board meeting brought with it some exciting changes related to our student membership dues for 2021 and our future scholarship offerings!

    1. The board approved a motion to waive the student membership dues for the remainder of the calendar year 2021, and retroactively reimburse the students who have already joined.

    • Rationale: Student involvement in WSRID has dwindled dramatically over the past several years, contributing to the position of student director remaining vacant for several terms. We hope that by waiving these fees this year, we can encourage more students to be involved with our organization. This decision will have a very small financial impact on the organization.

    2. The board accepted a motion to revise our current scholarship program. Rather than offering 9 scholarships a year for smaller increments, WSRID will offer a minimum of 4 scholarships per year to cover the total cost of performance exams for qualified applicants. The current scholarship offerings are still temporarily available, and we will be sharing more info about the new scholarships this summer via email and on our website.

    Rationale: For many years the WSRID scholarships have been underutilized. In an effort to eliminate the barrier of cost for a few candidates, we have decided to raise the scholarship amount to cover the entire exam. When funds are available to do so, the Board may decide to award more than 4 scholarships in one year.

    Upcoming Board Meetings

    June 9th:

    Thank you to the members who have joined us for our recent board meetings! We are enjoying meeting new people, and appreciate your participation. For those interested, our next board meeting will be on June 9th, 6pm-8:30pm. If you’d like to attend, click here to register.

    July–No Meeting:

    After a very long “winter,” the WSRID board members are planning to enjoy a much anticipated summer break. We are taking a little time off to recharge our batteries, practice self-care, enjoy the weather and time outside with our families and loved ones, and prepare for fall work. Join us in August for our board meeting on 8/11/21.

    WSRID Quarterly Report:

    The WSRID Quarterly (Q3) Financial Report should be ready for members to view by the end of this month. It can be found by logging into the WSRID website and clicking on the "Member's Only" tab. From there, members can find past annual membership meeting minutes (which include financial reports), board meeting minutes (these are still being formatted for the web and are being upload as they become ready), and any other special reports members may be interested in.

    WSRID Committees

    Collaborating with peers to get things done that you care about is WAY more fun and interesting than you might think when you read “committee work." So much of our work as interpreters is isolating (much more so in the past year, but even pre-pandemic). Working with others toward a shared aim is a perfect antidote!

    Sometimes a board can get caught up in doing the work it sees that needs to be done. While the intention is good, WSRID can be a much healthier and more effective organization when the thoughts, insights, experiences, and perspectives of many more people are included. That means... YOU! There are plenty of great opportunities to go around. This experience is too good not to share!

    Some of the work we know we can offer:

    • Conference (2023) - Looking ahead to gathering in person in 2023
    • Nominations, Election and Referenda - Inspiring members to engage in our Democracy
    • Budget - Where does the money come from and where does it go? How do we prioritize?
    • Communications - Sharing information with members in meaningful and accessible ways
    • Membership - WSRID’s responsibilities to our members? Members' responsibilities to our communities?
    • Professional Development Committee West (PDC-W) - All the things we want to learn and all the ways we can learn them

    Is there something else you want to make happen?

    Look for more details in a separate email by the end of the month, or reach out now!

    Contact info for committees is located on the committee page or email us below.

    “Teamwork Makes Dreamwork” (AMK)

    “We may not have it all together, but together we have it all" (CK)

    Email Us!

    Upcoming Events

    Virtual Happy Hour
    Education Interpreters Meet-Up
    Wednesday, May 26th
    6:30–7:30pm via Zoom

    We will continue to host virtual social meet ups the last Wednesday of most months. The past two gatherings have been a great success! Thank you to those who attended! It has been fun to reconnect with old friends and meet new people all via video chat on Zoom.

    Our next meet up will be on Wednesday, May 26th: “Educational Interpreter meet-up.”

    Please check our website periodically for more info.

    Info & Registration

    Social & Racial Justice Series, Part 2
    Saturday, June 5th
    Via Zoom
    Presented by: Dr. Lissa Ramirez Stapleton

    We are thrilled to be hosting Dr. Lissa Ramirez Stapleton for a two part social and racial justice series. The first part of this series was on Saturday, May 15th: “What’s really Going On? Social Justice Basics and Interpreting.” In case you missed it, you can still sign up for the second part on Saturday, June 5th: “Anti-Blackness in Interpreting: How it is Embodied and What it Means for Racial Justice.”

    Info & Registration

    Save the Date!
    WSRID Annual Membership Meeting
    Saturday, October 23rd
    10am–Noon via Zoom

    Information regarding elections, motions, and more coming in June! If you or someone you know has a great workshop to bring to WSRID, please let us know! We are now accepting workshop proposals for 2022! Proposals and questions can be sent to the WSRID president.

    Community Announcements

    The Seattle Public Schools are working to compile a resource list of agencies, schools, community colleges, and colleges that offer ASL for credit or noncredit. This list will be shared with staff and families. If you know of a program that should be added to the list, please contact Ann Curry.

    Region V (RV) Announcements

    As an affiliate chapter member of Region V, you may be eligible for free or discounted registration at events being offered by other Region V affiliate chapters. Due to the constraints of COVID-19, many AC’s have moved to hosting trainings online, which make them more accessible for out-of-state interpreters than ever before.

    Idaho RID Workshops:

    Utah RID Workshops (LINK):

    • Aug 6th and 7th: “A.R.T. Is Never Ending” Mini Conference
    • September 10th-12th, 2021. First official silent weekend. Early bird pricing starts May 8th.

    To check out our AC websites and learn more, visit RID Region V's webpage.

    RID Announcements

    Nominations Announcement Video:

    “The 2021-2024 Executive Board of Directors elections will open on Monday, May 3, 2021. All eligible voting members will receive an email from RID@simplyvoting.com, containing their elector ID and password to access their ballot. The elections period is open for two weeks from Monday, May 3 – Monday, May 17 at 11:59 p.m. EST.”

    2021 RID National Conference:

    RID's National Conference, "Re-Orienting," will be held on Zoom, addressing audism and systemic oppression within the ASL interpreting field.

    Registration will begin in early May 2021.

    RID Biennial Membership Business Meeting:

    The business meeting will be held on Saturday, July 10th and Sunday, July 11th during the national conference. There is still time to submit a motion that does not impact the bylaws. More info here.

    That’s a wrap for this month! If you have announcements or news to share next month please email us!

    Email Us!

  • 06 Apr 2021 9:33 AM | Elizabeth Bass Webmaster (Administrator)

    March 2021

    WSRID E–Blast

    Dear WSRID,

    We hope you are all enjoying the brighter days, blossoming trees, and blooming flowers that remind us spring is here. It feels good to say "Goodbye" to what felt like a very, very long winter, and "Hello" to a new season of change and growth.

    Below you will find monthly committee reports, events, announcements and info sharing. Enjoy and stay well!

    Board Meetings

    Next Board Meeting:

    Wednesday April 14th, 6:00pm-8:30pm
    Register online to join us.

    Agenda Topics: Upcoming workshops, DEI Committees progress/reports, FY 2022 Budget, Scholarship Revision, “Community Corner,” Policies & Procedure Review.

    February Board Meeting Highlights: Thank you to the four members who joined us in February!

    During the meeting we discussed revising our scholarships, reviewed proposals regarding annual workshop offerings, and enjoyed Paul Glaser sharing some of his highlights from serving as the Vice President of RID for the past two years.

    Register Here

    Committee Reports

    DEI Audit Committee:

    The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Audit Committee is a new effort to gather together folks who value accountability, transparency and positive change in the interpreting community. The goal of this committee is to ensure that WSRID is effective and accountable to the communities that we serve. In order to accomplish that, the committee will first need to establish methods for tracking WSRID goals and actions relating to diversity, equity and inclusion, evaluating the effectiveness of those actions, as well as establishing a simple process for the community to bring its DEI concerns and feedback about WSRID as an organization to the attention of the board and its members. WSRID is committed to an annual share out with all WSRID stakeholders of the input we've received, the actions the board has taken, and the work that remains to be done.

    The DEI Audit Committee is seeking a diverse body of individuals who are interested in helping WSRID with this work. Each of us has experience, skills and knowledge to share; if you are interested in joining this effort or would like to learn more about this opportunity, please respond to the short survey.


    DEI Audit Committee:

    • Kelly Brunson
    • Schawn Hardesty
    • Salwa Rosen

    Board Representatives:

    • Anna Mansell Karagiannis
    • Rhesa Durgin
    • Claudia Kienholz

    Legislative Committee:

    WSRID and WSAD are seeking interested individuals to work on an Interpreter Licensure Bill. If you are interested in contributing to these efforts please contact Whitney Hill [Legislative Committee Coordinator] or Anna Mansell Karagiannis.

    Upcoming Events

    Virtual Social Hour
    Wednesday, March 31, 2021
    6:30–7:30 via Zoom
    Hosted by: Kristin Deverin

    “It’s been a YEAR! Interpreting in the Time of COVID”

    We would love to connect! Join us for a virtual “happy hour” to catch up, check in, and hopefully share a laugh or two.

    — — — — — — — — — —

    Think Me Nuthing? Understanding the Uniqueness of the Black Deaf Community
    Saturday, April 24, 2021
    9am–Noon via Zoom
    Hosted by: Ritchie Bryant

    Workshop: Join us on Saturday for Ritchie Bryant’s workshop: “Think Me Nuthing?: Understanding the Uniqueness of the Black Deaf Community”

    For more information about this event and to register, please click below.

    Workshop Info & Registration

    Community Announcements

    Deaf Spotlight Presents:

    Short Play Festival 2021. Friday April 9th-Sunday April 11th, 2021. Featuring six new stories by Deaf playwrights from all over the United States. Tickets now available here. For more info visit Deaf Spotlight.

    Coalition on Inclusive Emergency Planning:

    Sharing CIEP’s quarterly newsletter here. If you are interested in receiving this newsletter in the future, please email Jim House at DSHS.

    Region V Announcements

    Check out these upcoming events and workshops hosted by our region five affiliate chapter neighbors:


    Where Should We Begin and Where Are We Going? A BIPOC panel discussion with members of the DHHDBDD LGBTQIA Community.
    April 17, 11:00am-1:00pm

    Event Link


    Interpreting During a Pandemic & Coping Skills
    April 17th, 9:00am-11:00am

    Event Link

    Idaho RID: 

    Free Mini Workshops being offered from Idaho RID.

    To check out our AC websites and learn more, visit RID Region V's webpage.

    RID Announcements

    RID Board nominations are open until April 1st:

    Submit a Nomination

    RID Annual Business Meetings will occur this summer: July 10th-11th during the national conference.

    Dates for Motions:

    • Motions that impact the Bylaws must be received by April 5th.
    • Motions that do not impact the Bylaws must be received by May 5th.
    • Motions received after May 5th are considered “from the floor”.
    • Motions will be received and reviewed by the bylaws committee.

    Thanks for tuning in!
    If you have announcements or content to share next month!

    Contact us!

  • 31 Mar 2021 10:49 AM | Anna Mansell Karagiannis (Administrator)

    View this message in ASL

    The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Audit Committee is a new effort to gather together folks who value accountability, transparency and positive change in the interpreting community.

    The goal of this committee is to ensure that WSRID is effective and accountable to the communities that we serve. In order to accomplish that, the committee will first need to establish methods for tracking WSRID goals and actions relating to diversity, equity and inclusion, evaluating the effectiveness of those actions, as well as establishing a simple process for the community to bring its DEI concerns and feedback about WSRID as an organization to the attention of the board and its members. WSRID is committed to an annual share out with all WSRID stakeholders of the input we've received, the actions the board has taken, and the work that remains to be done.

    The DEI Audit Committee is seeking a diverse body of individuals who are interested in helping WSRID with this work.  Each of us has experience, skills and knowledge to share; if you are interested in joining this effort or would like to learn more about this opportunity, please respond to the short survey linked here.

    DEI Audit Committee:

    Kelly Brunson, Schawn Hardesty, Salwa Rosen

    Board representatives:

    Anna Mansell Karagiannis, Rhesa Durgin, Claudia Kienholz

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