Washington State Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf

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Becoming Accomplices: Identifying and Unpacking Power and Privilege in Signing Communities (Spokane Event)

  • 25 Mar 2017
  • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Spokane County Library, Argonne Branch: 4322 N. Argonne Rd. Spokane, WA 99212


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Becoming Accomplices: Identifying and Unpacking Power and Privilege in Signing Communities

This intensive, hands-on workshop will explore dynamics of oppression (with particular focus on audism, ableism, and phonocentrism) and how those dynamics manifest between Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, Hard of Hearing individuals and interpreters. We will look at how those dynamics play out in a variety of situations, whether on the job or on social media forums. Participants will also explore ways that they can become accomplices in ending oppression.

“Until we are all free, we are none of us free.”
–Emma Lazarus


black and white photo of two women smiling into the camera

Alison Aubrecht
(she, her)- is a White Deaf womxn. She is a licensed professional clinical counselor and currently works as a sexual and reproductive health educator with Family Tree Clinic in St. Paul, Minnesota. She continues to provide teach-ins, trainings, and workshops part time on topics related to social justice, anti-oppression work, and navigating challenges in Deaf-Hearing cross cultural conflicts. She has also co-facilitated workshops related to racism and white privilege and has facilitated several dialogues on related topics. 

Kenya Lowe
(she, her)- is a Black Deaf womxn. She is a skilled community builder, project and marketing manager. Her commitment to social justice is in part influenced by her own experiences of having lost her Deaf mother to a life of drug addiction, losing her oldest brother to gang violence, and spending her teen years mainstreamed in a small all white town, where she was further exposed to racism and audism. She is a mother to two sons who remind her every day the importance of being committed to dismantling white supremacy.


This Professional Studies program is offered for 0.4 CEUs at the “some” content knowledge level. Trix Bruce is an approved CMP sponsor for continuing education activities.

The intended audience for this workshop is ASL interpreters and DIs with some knowledge of the subject matter.

Educational Objectives:

1.       During group dialogues, participants will demonstrate their ability to unpack ideological, institutional, and individual patterns of oppression by composing four specific lists of identifiable behaviors.  

2.       Participants will analyze a spectrum concept of allyship work and will identify where they are on the spectrum of allyship .

3.       Participants will practice their understanding of new concepts (or review concepts they have learned in the past) during the workshop by applying vocabulary/concepts in order to formulate their ideas during group discussion.

4.       Through this workshop, participants will be able to apply learned skills to a broader set of social justice

Language Policy: This workshop will be presented in ASL

DeafBlind Accommodation Requests deadline March 10th.  Please send all requests to WSRID.PDC@gmail.com

Information on the WSRID Refund Policy.

For Day of inquires or emergency needs please contact:

Teresa Ford at tfordinterpreting@gmail.com

WSRID does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, disability, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, age, marital status, political ideology, military or veteran status, parental status, or breastfeeding in a public place. This applies to all activities of the organization, including-but not limited to: employment, elections, meetings, workshops, and conferences. WSRID Officers, Board members, and committee Chairpersons shall be aware of this policy and uphold it at all times, in accordance with state and local law.

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